At GDS Church we are very aware of the fact that we are responsible for an extremely large, populous and diverse parish - one of if not the largest in Edinburgh by area. We are the decedents of no less than 7 original worshiping congregations in this area and we carry on their service to this community into the 21st Century.
Our services blend contemporary and traditional worship in an informal but respectful atmosphere that prioritises church as family - in so doing, we seek to make a space in which anyone in our parish can feel comfortable and able to meet with God and worship freely, regardless of their background.
As a member of the Church of Scotland, we are part of the largest Christian denomination in Scotland and offer marriage, baptism and funeral services to anyone residing within our parish, whether they are members or not.
As Christians, we believe that God:
- Created us, the universe, all that is seen and unseen - Everyone and everything. In Him we 'live and move and have our being'.
- Knows us, warts and all, inside and out, our hopes, our dreams, our fears, our failures - and desires that we know Him in return.
- Greives for us, His children gone astray, who have chosen to live without him, to live with a hole in our souls - ever seeking, never finding.
- Loves us, in spite of our faults and failings, enough to give up eternity for us, to endure torture and death for us, even death on a cross.
- Is mighty, enough to save us, even from ourselves - enough to heal our hearts - enough to bring us home - enough to conquer death.
- Achieved all this through Jesus Christ, his life, ministry, death, resurrection and ascension - A Salvation Plan, older than time.
- Remains with us, even today, as comfort, guide and power through his Holy Spirit - working still through those who welcome Him.
- Did all this to restore our broken relationship with Him, so that we might be reunited with him in eternity, in a world made new.
- Is relentless in love, endless in patience and boundless in mercy.
As Christians, we believe in Hope. Hope for you, your family, your neighbours, your friends, your enemies - Everyone. This is Good News.
Want to know more? - TRY ALPHA
We are currently in the process of selecting a new minister.
Jessica Linde
Children and Families Ministerial Assistant.
Whilst born and raised in Los Angeles, California, I have had the pleasure of living in Scotland since 2017, where it has undoubtedly wriggled its way into my heart as my true home!
After obtaining two degrees from the University of St Andrews (studying the intersection between Christianity and the arts), I moved to Edinburgh in 2022 and have been with GaPP Church since October 2023.
Being able to serve this church in the incredibly varied way that my role allows is such a treat, as it means you’ll find me working on multiple things at once—from planning services to running toddler groups, and everything in between! I’m always down to chat, so please feel free to reach out via email or catch me as I’m running around our Gorgie or Palmerston Place locations!
God bless!

Reuben Addis
Ordained Local Minister
My parents became Christians as part of the Billy Graham mission and joined a big Church of England church. We then moved to a small, less formal, sister church in a local housing estate. I think that is still my model for church.
My faith took a bit of a knock at university - but I had experiences in nature, and in church, where I just knew God was there and loved me personally. I have lived in Edinburgh for nearly all my adult live and have led various forms of family church including Messy Church, Muddy Church, and more recently the Cafe Church. I
got ordained in 2023 as an unpaid, part time minister for Gorgie - and during the week I work for the NHS with teenagers who are neurodiverse or have mental health difficulties.
I am married to Rosie (an Episcopal priest) and have two children - who are now both adults.
I love being at Gorgie - and am excited to see what God is doing here
Tricia Kingston
Session Clerk
Tricia has served as our Session Clerk for many years, just like her father before her. What Tricia doesn't know about GDS Church isn't worth knowing. Among office-bearers in the Church of Scotland, the Session Clerk has long been seen to occupy a position of special significance. To the minister the Session Clerk is his or her "right hand person". To the congregation the Session Clerk is the person who, more than any other, embodies the congregation, and is the link between it and the minister.

190-192 Gorgie Road, EH11 2NX
158 Dalry Road, EH11 2HB
537-539 Gorgie Road, EH14 1TA