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Sunday Services

We meet every Sunday at 11am for our main worship service. All are welcome to join us, we offer children's and young people's groups and our services are informal and child-friendly. We livestream our services through YouTube and you can watch past services using the link below. 


Questions For Further Reflection

Rev. Dean Batchelor prepares questions, weekly, to delve further into the topic preached on Sunday. These are used in our House Groups. Email if you would like a copy.

Virtual Team Meeting

Church Magazine

We produce a quarterly church magazine called Re-Connections. Written by our Staff, Elders and Congregation Members, it s a great way to keep up to date with our work as a church and to go deeper than we can in a weekly email. Physical copies should always be available at the back of church, and you can find the latest edition using the link below.

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Sunday Services

We meet every Sunday at 11am for our main worship service. All are welcome to join us, we offer children's and young people's groups and our services are informal and child-friendly. We livestream our services through YouTube and you can watch past services using the link below. 


Questions For Further Reflection

Rev. Dean Batchelor prepares questions, weekly, to delve further into the topic preached on Sunday. These are used in our House Groups. Email if you would like a copy.

Virtual Team Meeting

Church Magazine

We produce a quarterly church magazine called Re-Connections. Written by our Staff, Elders and Congregation Members, it s a great way to keep up to date with our work as a church and to go deeper than we can in a weekly email. Physical copies should always be available at the back of church, and you can find the latest edition using the link below.


is a Church of Scotland congregation


Church Office Phone:

0131 337 7936


Church Office Email:


Church Office Address:

190-192 Gorgie Road, 


EH11 2NX

Where to find us...

©2024  Edinburgh : Gorgie and Palmerston Place Church of Scotland (also operating as 'Saltyard' and 'Diadem') -

Registered Charity No. SC004291 | Created with


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