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What is Saltyard?

Saltyard is our coffee shop, meeting and prayer space, where you will receive a warm welcome, and be able to enjoy some home made soup, lovely bakes and wide variety of teas and coffees. If you have little ones, they would be welcome to play in our Little Yard. Our name comes from Matthew 5.13 where Jesus calls us to be salt and light in the world.


Open Wed-Friday 10am - 4pm

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Prayer & Pastoral Care

Our aim is to be more than a café with a welcoming atmosphere. As a Church we want to establish a strong sense of community within the Gorgie Dalry area in order to share the love and hope found in Jesus Christ. That is why we also have a prayer room that is available for quiet contemplation and prayer. Our Ministry Team are also often on hand to meet and pray with you if you feel that would be helpful.


Get Involved

Run by an enthusiastic team of volunteers and staff, any proceeds Saltyard makes are fed back into your local church

and its work in the Community. If you feel that you would like to help us in our work we have a box for your kind donation. We also have a pay it forward scheme, where you can pay for someone unable to afford a drink themselves. If you would like to join us in this work for God Speak to our Café Manager about volunteering.


is a Church of Scotland congregation


Church Office Phone:

0131 337 7936


Church Office Email:


Church Office Address:

190-192 Gorgie Road, 


EH11 2NX

Where to find us...

©2024  Edinburgh : Gorgie and Palmerston Place Church of Scotland (also operating as 'Saltyard' and 'Diadem') -

Registered Charity No. SC004291 | Created with


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